Accessibility Quick Links
Reach your savings goals faster
Grow your money tax-free
Tax-free interest is calculated on your full daily closing balance and is paid monthly.
Hassle-free deposits
Set up a recurring transfer into your account for a faster, more convenient way to save.ⓘ Money transfers from another CIBC personal bank account are free.
Contribute to your TFSA for life
Unlike a Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP), you don’t have to close your TFSA at a set age. Plus, your unused TFSA contribution room doesn’t disappear in a year; you can carry it forward as long as you live.ⓘ
Access your money any time, for any reason
Make tax-free withdrawalsⓘ. You can re-contribute the amount you’ve withdrawn next year or later.
Tax free savings accounts at a glance
About the account
Interest rate:
Monthly Feesⓘ:
Minimum investment:
2025 TFSA dollar limit:
How do I qualify?
Get a CIBC TFSA Tax Advantage Savings Account
I have a CIBC bank account
I don’t have a CIBC bank account
Call us at 1-800-465-3863 Opens your phone app.