My Money, My Future Challenge

CIBC is again partnering with The Canadian Foundation for Economic Education (CFEE) to challenge youth across Canada to create new tools and resources to help young Canadians improve their financial knowledge, skills and capabilities.

In the second year of the program, My Money, My Future challenges youth, ages 14 to 18, to apply their creativity, skills and passion to develop new learning resources that will help teach important financial knowledge and skills to other young people. This innovative peer-to-peer learning program aims to promote and apply a sense of fun and creativity to an important life skill – financial literacy.

For the 2022 challenge, youth are again challenged to help improve financial literacy in Canada. Submissions, in English or French, can be a video, song, poem, podcast, booklet, animation, piece of art or any means by which youth think they could engage and help educate other youth about financial matters. To further support local schools with financial education, CIBC is excited to deliver virtual financial education webinars to interested registrants.

The My Money, My Future National Showcase will be held in June 2022 with prizes to be used towards future education or training – either to a winning individual or shared equally among team members. Prizes for the national challenge are: 1st Prize: $10,000, 2nd Prize: $5,000, and a 3rd Prize of $2,500††

†† To learn more, register or review full contest rules, visit the My Money, My Future website Opens in a new window.