Insights Markets and Economy

Explore several fixed income opportunities that can help investors maximize diversification across their investment portfolio.
Michael Sager and Giuseppe Pietrantonio Oct. 04, 2023 12-minute read

  • Expected 10-year annualized returns to Canadian government bonds and various sleeves of fixed income are now competitive with equities on a risk-adjusted basis.
  • With the back-up in yields, sovereign bonds are better positioned to provide investors with protection against future equity market drawdown risk.
  • Fixed income covers a wide range of eclectic investment opportunities. Each one offers something different — for instance, an attractive expected yield, an expected illiquidity return premium, or lower duration and credit risk — that can help investors maximize diversification across their investment portfolio.

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Written by

Michael Sager, PhD

Managing Director and Head, Multi-Asset and Currency Management

CIBC Asset Management

Giuseppe Pietrantonio, CFA, MBA
Gestionnaire adjoint de portefeuilles de clients, Multiclasse d'actifs et gestion des devises, Gestion d'actifs CIBC

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