CIBC's AML/ATF and Sanctions Program 

CIBC is committed to looking out for our clients and communities by detecting and deterring money laundering, terrorist financing and sanctions risks. By operating in compliance with applicable anti-money laundering, terrorist financing and sanctions laws and regulations, CIBC can safely deliver the products and services our clients need to help make their ambitions a reality.

Statement on CIBC’s AML/ATF and Sanctions Program (PDF, 180 KB) Opens in a new window.


CIBC’s USA PATRIOT Act Certification

The USA PATRIOT Act and final rules issued by the U.S. Department of the Treasury require a U.S. bank or a U.S. broker-dealer in securities (a “Covered Financial Institution”) to obtain certain information from any foreign banks for which they maintain correspondent accounts in the United States. As permitted by the final rules, CIBC has prepared a Certification for use by any Covered Financial Institution that requires a USA PATRIOT Act certification from CIBC.

Please use the Certification instead of requesting an individual certification from CIBC. If the particular CIBC entity that maintains a correspondent account with your institution is not listed in our Certification, or if you have any questions about the Certification, please contact CIBC by e-mail at Mailbox.CIBCAML@cibc.comOpens your email app..

Learn moreabout the USA Patriot Act certification.


CIBC’s Wolfsberg Questionnaire

Financial institutions conducting business with CIBC are asked to complete the Wolfsberg Group correspondent banking due diligence questionnaire (PDF, 1.5 MB)  Opens a new window..

In lieu of a request to complete your financial institution's AML and ATF questionnaire, refer to the CIBC Wolfsberg financial crime compliance questionnaire (FCCQ) (PDF, 1 MB) Opens a new window..