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Transcript: Be the Brand — Carlos LaBillois
[Title Name: Carlos LaBillois - Customer Service Representative, Contact Centres]
[Music playing.]
[CIBC Logo.]
[Carlos is CIBC… This is his story.]
My name is Carlos LaBillois.
I work in the CIBC credit card services team under the care section.
[A collage of photographs depicting: an office building and an office with call centre workers sitting at cubicles.]
I take 50 calls a day maybe, a thousand calls a month.
[CIBC logo. The Power of Purpose: Going Beyond the Call for Our Clients.]
[A collage of photographs depicting Carlos and his family in various settings: outdoors during the summer and winter, and closeups of his wife and children.]
So I've learned a lot about a lot of clients. We all come from different walks of life. We're people with human emotions and we're looking for ways to connect. We have this desire to be understood. We want to see authenticity and want peace of mind.
And it's no different between me and a client that calls in.
[Carlos builds relationships with clients through patience and empathy.]
Sometimes clients are frustrated about something. There is some vulnerability there.
[A collage of photographs depicting people in a call centre working from their cubicles, on calls, and of Carlos working on a call.]
Giving the client the benefit of the doubt is something that I think about all the time, and it's important for their dignity. There's a lot of power in the apology and showing the client that you are determined to make it work for them.
[A collage of close ups of Carlos and his team working on calls.]
And so it's my duty to truly listen to what the client needs. I'm the CIBC representative for this client. How this call goes will determine how the client feels about CIBC.
[Carlos shows genuine care by creating moments for clients.]
[A collage of photographs depicting Carlos and his family on vacation, fishing, and his wedding.]
It's moments that people will remember - just like photographs, little snapshots in time that help us remember everything around that photo.
[A collage of photographs of an Achievers Excellence Award that Carlos has received and various letters and accolades from his team mates.]
I try to create a moment with the client before our interaction ends. It's the best way to find meaning in the work that I do... is to know that I've helped a client be better off at the end of the call.
[A collage of photographs of Carlos.]
I've been in this job for 14 years and it's still very rewarding to find solutions, have meaningful conversations and build relationships.
[For Carlos, it’s personal.]
[CIBC logo. The CIBC logo is a trademark of CIBC.]