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Audit Committee Mandate
The primary functions of the Audit Committee are to fulfill its responsibilities in relation to reviewing the integrity of CIBC's financial statements, financial disclosures and internal controls over financial reporting; monitoring the system of internal control; monitoring CIBC's compliance with legal and regulatory requirements; selecting the external auditors for shareholder approval; reviewing the qualifications, independence and performance of the external auditors; reviewing the qualifications, independence and performance of CIBC's internal auditors; and acting as the Audit Committee for certain federally regulated subsidiaries.
Audit Committee mandate (PDF, 255 KB) Opens in a new window.
Corporate Governance Committee Mandate
The primary function of the Corporate Governance Committee is to assist the Board of Directors in fulfilling its corporate governance oversight responsibilities.
Corporate Governance Committee mandate (PDF, 205 KB) Opens a new window.
Management Resources and Compensation Committee Mandate
The primary function of the Management Resources and Compensation Committee is to assist the Board of Directors in fulfilling its supervisory responsibilities in relation to CIBC's human resource policies and practices.
Management Resources and Compensation Committee mandate (PDF, 250 KB) Opens in a new window.
Risk Management Committee Mandate
The primary function of the Risk Management Committee is to assist the Board of Directors in fulfilling its responsibilities in relation to the identification, measurement, monitoring and controlling of CIBC's principal business risks.
Risk Management Committee mandate (PDF, 170 KB) Opens a new window.
Technology Committee Mandate
The primary function of the Technology Committee is to assist the Board of Directors in fulfilling its responsibilities for overseeing CIBC’s technology strategy.
Technology Committee Mandate (PDF, 210 KB) Opens a new window.
Board of Directors Mandate
The members of the Board of Directors have the duty to supervise the management of the business and affairs of CIBC. The Board, directly and through its committees and the Chair of the Board, provides direction to senior management, generally through the Chief Executive Officer, to pursue the best interests of CIBC.
Board of Directors mandate (PDF, 175 KB) Opens in a new window.
Mandate of the Chair of the Board of Directors
The primary functions of the Chair of the Board of Directors are to facilitate the operations and deliberations of the Board and the satisfaction of the Board's functions and responsibilities under its mandate.
Mandate of the Chair of the Board of Directors (PDF, 125 KB) Opens in a new window.
Mandate of a Board Committee Chair
The primary functions of a Board committee Chair are to provide effective leadership of the Board committee for which he or she is appointed chair, facilitate the operations and deliberations of that committee and oversee the satisfaction of that Committee's functions and responsibilities under its mandate.
Mandate of a Board Committee Chair (PDF, 120 KB) Opens in a new window.
- Board Members
- Board Committee Members
- Mandates