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Doing Business with CIBC
At CIBC, we are in business to help our clients, employees and shareholders realize their goals.
Given the important role that suppliers play in our ability to achieve our goals and deliver on the commitments we have made to our stakeholders, we are committed to developing mutually beneficial relationships with them. These relationships are based on strong principles and our core values of trust, teamwork and accountability.
We strive to work with suppliers who share our values, comply with applicable laws, and meet the highest standards of ethical and professional behaviour.
Our suppliers must follow the principles, standards and behaviours set out in our Supplier Code of Conduct (PDF, 315 KB) Opens a new window.. We expect suppliers to adhere to all applicable laws, rules and regulations of the jurisdictions in which they operate. These include, but are not limited to, those related to business practices, labour and employment, immigration, human rights, modern slavery and human trafficking, health and safety, building codes, privacy, bribery and corruption, and the environment.
The following statement demonstrates our commitment to human rights throughout our operations and supply chain: CIBC on Human Rights: Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement (PDF, 105 KB) Opens in a new window.. It is reviewed and updated annually to comply with Canadian, UK and Australian regulations which prescribe specific public disclosure around monitoring, governance and actions taken to address potential risks of modern slavery, including forced and child labour, and human trafficking.