Shareholder Investment Plan

  • Automatic dividend reinvestment
  • Easy additional share purchases
  • Investment administration
  • Regular statements and income tax slips

  • No brokerage commissions
  • No service charges

Investment options

For the July 29, 2024 dividend and for future dividends declared until further notice, common shares received by participants under the Shareholder Investment Plan will be issued from Treasury at Average Market Price (as defined in the Plan). Learn more Opens in a new window.

Dividend Reinvestment Option - Canadian residents only

You may choose to have your dividends reinvested in CIBC common shares without paying brokerage fees or service charges.

Stock Dividend Option - U.S. residents only

You may choose to receive your dividends in the form of CIBC common shares. The stock dividends will be in amounts substantially equivalent to cash dividends, net of applicable withholding taxes. No brokerage commissions or service charges apply.

Share Purchase Option - Canadian residents only

You may purchase additional CIBC common shares without paying brokerage commissions or service charges. Individual purchases may be made for as little as $100 and as frequently as monthly, up to an aggregate of $50,000 in each CIBC fiscal year (November 1 - October 31).

Who may participate?

All Canadian registered holders of CIBC common shares and holders of designated Class A preferred shares may participate in the Plan's Dividend Reinvestment Option and Share Purchase Option. Residents of the United States are eligible to participate in the Plan's Stock Dividend Option. Shareholders residing outside of Canada or the United States are not eligible to participate in the Plan.

Beneficial shareholders who wish to participate in the Plan should contact the financial institution or broker through which they hold their shares to determine if they can participate.

How do I join?

Registered Shareholders with physical share certificates should call TSX Trust Company in Toronto at 416-682-3860 Opens your phone app.. From elsewhere in Canada or the United States, call us toll free at 1-800-258-0499 Opens your phone app.. You can also send an email to .
Download the Shareholder Investment Plan enrolment documents Opens in a new window..

Beneficial Shareholders
with shares held in accounts at financial institutions should contact the institution or broker through which they hold their shares to determine if they can participate.

Recent share purchase prices

Recent Share Purchase Prices (PDF, 85 KB) Opens a new window.

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