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Letters From the Front, 1920
In 1920, The Canadian Bank of Commerce published Letters From the Front, Being a Record of the Part Played by Officers of the Bank in the Great War, 1914 - 1919. This two-volume commemorative set began as a series of eleven pamphlets, published between August 1915 and January 1919, which included letters from bank employees on active duty.
In the book's introduction, the President of The Commerce comments that:
The Canadian Bank of Commerce had truly a 'far-flung battle line,' for in the war her soldiers fought on every front on which British arms were represented and we trust that these letters from trench, billet, and prison camp, captured objective, and hospital ward, will prove to be of value to all who desire first-hand impressions of the fields on which Canada's sons have won immortal fame.
Letters From the Front includes photographs, biographical information and excerpts from staff letters. These letters cover a wide range of subjects - from the hell of living in the trenches, to longing for a pair of good Canadian boots, to thanking those at home for rum and chocolate. They serve as poignant reminders of what these young people endured during the Great War.
CIBC is proud to feature stories of staff that served in World War I.
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