Voluntary codes of conduct and public commitments

As part of our commitment to protect you, CIBC has adopted a number of voluntary codes of conduct and public commitments. These guidelines and commitments establish the standards you can expect when you do business with CIBC.

This code outlines industry practices as well as consumer and industry responsibilities, which help protect consumers in their use of debit card services in Canada. It establishes standards with respect to cardholder agreements, determining liability if there is a loss and resolving disputes.

Canadian code of practice for consumer debit card services (PDF, 40 KB) 
 Opens a new window in your browser.

This code has been adopted by credit and debit card networks (payment card networks) and their participants, which includes card issuers like CIBC.

The code's purpose is to demonstrate the payment industry's commitment:

  • To ensure that merchants are fully aware of the costs associated with accepting credit and debit card payments
  • To provide merchants with increased pricing flexibility to encourage consumers to choose the lowest-cost payment option
  • To allow merchants to choose freely which payment options they’ll accept

Payment card network operators have agreed to incorporate requirements of the code into their networks' contracts, governing rules and regulations. This will ensure that other participants in the networks, including card issuers and payment processors, also follow its provisions.

Code of conduct for the payment card industry in Canada Opens a new window.

CIBC is committed to meeting our customers' insurance needs by providing access to authorized insurance products.

This code outlines standards regarding the sale of authorized insurance products, by CIBC including:

  • Providing clear and understandable product disclosures
  • Not imposing undue pressure to get a product or service
  • Protecting the customer's privacy with respect to the gathering and use of health information
  • Providing prompt investigation of any problems customers may experience and advising the customer of the complaint handling process
  • Ensuring bank representatives are properly trained, qualified and knowledgeable on the authorized insurance products that they offer
  • Making reasonable efforts to ensure that the insurance policy or coverage being promoted is appropriate for the credit product or the needs as expressed by the customer
  • Making reasonable efforts to ensure that the customer understands the coverage
  • Providing clear continuity of coverage requirements where customer-initiated changes in the financing or other terms and conditions of a banking arrangement could result in the need to apply for new insurance coverage

CBA code of conduct for authorized insurance activities (PDF, 120 KB) 
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A code of conduct that sets out principles that apply to banks to guide them when they deliver banking products and services to Canada’s seniors.

Code of conduct for the delivery of banking services to seniors (PDF, 315 KB) 
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The code of conduct is designed to ensure that enhanced information is available to assist borrowers in making decisions about mortgage prepayment.

Code of conduct for federally regulated financial institutions – mortgage prepayment information (PDF, 25 KB) Opens a new window in your browser.

This commitment by CIBC sets standards concerning the modification or replacement of existing personal products or services.

Commitment on modification or replacement of existing products or services (PDF, 15 KB) Opens a new window in your browser.

CIBC has agreed to make general information available — in banking centres and on our website — for clients who want to give someone else authority to do banking for them. This information will help clients understand possible risks associated with using a Power of Attorney. CIBC will also make information available about possible risks of holding a deposit account jointly with another person.

Commitment on Powers of Attorney and joint deposit accounts (PDF, 220 KB) 
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This commitment by CIBC is to provide information about mortgage security so consumers have enough information to understand their choice of product when shopping for a mortgage loan.

Commitment to provide information on mortgage security (PDF, 150 KB) 
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Our adherence to the voluntary codes of conduct and other public commitments is monitored by the Financial Consumer Agency of Canada (FCAC). As such, the FCAC may investigate and report on a consumer complaint.

Contact FCAC

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These commitments outline the consumer's liability in relation to fraudulent or unauthorized transactions on credit and debit cards.

Visa E-PromiseOpens a new window in your browser.

Visa zero liability policyOpens a new window in your browser.

MasterCard zero liability policyOpens a new window in your browser.

Interac zero liability policy

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Registered plans may hold different types of investment instruments, including guaranteed investment certificates (GICs), mutual funds and/or securities. This code provides guidelines for the transfer of a registered plan from one financial institution to another. The specific guidelines depend on the type of plan.

Guidelines for transfers of registered plans (PDF, 180 KB) Opens a new window.

CIBC has made a commitment to provide a low-cost retail deposit account that meets the following guidelines:

Minimum features:

  • A minimum of 12 debit transactions per month, at least 2 of which can be done in-branch1
  • Cheque writing privileges1
  • No extra charge for deposits, debit card, pre-authorized payment forms, monthly printed statements and cheque image return or online cheque viewing1
  • Other services are available for a reasonable fee1


  • A maximum monthly fee of $4.00

CIBC has also committed to provide these same services at no cost to youths, students, Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS) recipient seniors and Registered Disability Savings Plan (RDSP) beneficiaries.

 The CIBC accounts offered under this commitment are:

For more information on how the FCAC ensures consumer awareness, visit the FCAC’s financial tools and calculatorsOpens a new window in your browser..

CIBC has made a commitment to provide credit card clients with a monthly paper copy of their credit card statement, free of charge.

CIBC recognizes the important role that small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) play in Canada's economy. This code sets minimum standards for bank dealings with SMEs and addresses 4 key elements of bank conduct: openness, accountability, credit process, and complaint handling.

Model code of conduct for bank relations with small- and medium-sized businesses (PDF, 60 KB) Opens a new window in your browser.

The CIBC standards for dealing with small, medium and agricultural businesses are also explained in the brochure “Our service commitment to you.” This brochure is available at your nearest CIBC Banking Centre or online.

Our service commitment

CIBC is committed to using plain language principles to make its residential mortgage documents easier to read.

Borrowers must sign or receive a number of legal documents related to their mortgage. Some of the most important are:

Mortgage disclosure statement

This document sets out the financial terms of the mortgage, including the amount of the loan, the interest rate, the schedule for repaying the loan, and more.

The mortgage approval or the commitment and the standard charge terms

These documents set out the terms and conditions of the mortgage, including the obligations of the borrower and the lender. For example, the standard charge terms describe what will happen if the borrower doesn’t make mortgage payments when due.

The mortgage renewal documents

These documents set out the interest rate and the other terms that apply if a mortgage is renewed when it reaches its maturity date.

Plain language mortgage documents CBA commitment (PDF, 85 KB) 
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Developed with input from industry, government and consumer groups, the principles of consumer protection for electronic commerce is a guide to protecting customers when conducting transactions over open networks, such as the Internet.

The principles address the following topics:

  • Information provision
  • Contract formation
  • Privacy
  • Security of payment and personal information
  • Redress
  • Liability
  • Unsolicited commercial email
  • Consumer awareness

Principles of consumer protection for electronic commerce (PDF, 160 KB) 
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CIBC commits to applying the principles and provisions of the Canadian Code of Practice for Consumer Debit Card Services to online payment items in respect of customer deposit accounts.

Online payments (PDF, 210 KB) 
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This commitment applies to CIBC-issued principal protected notes (PPN) (including index-linked deposits) purchased by telephone or electronic means. These PPN purchases may be cancelled by the investor within 2 days after the later of
i) the date the agreement to purchase the PPN is entered into, and 
ii) the deemed receipt of the written disclosures describing in detail the terms of the PPN.
At cancellation, the investor is entitled to a refund of the principal amount deposited as well as any fees relating to the purchase. Telephone purchasers are deemed to have received the written disclosure 5 business days after the postmark date, if provided by mail.

Commitment on principal protected notes