Insurance at CIBC

Travel Insurance

Enjoy your trip more, knowing that you have insurance protection in case of an emergency.

Creditor Insurance

Get help paying off, reducing your balance or making your payments in the event of death, critical illness, disability or job loss.

Including insurance as part of your overall financial plan and choosing from a range of solutions for your CIBC Mortgage Loan, Personal Line of Credit, Credit Card or Personal Loan can help you and your family with your loan payments in the event of disability, job loss1, critical illness2 or in the event of death.

Creditor Insurance for CIBC Mortgages

Creditor Insurance for CIBC Personal Lines of Credit

Creditor Insurance for CIBC Personal Loans

CIBC Payment Protector™ Insurance for Credit Cards

Creditor Insurance for CIBC Mortgages, CIBC Personal Lines of Credit, CIBC Personal Loans and CIBC Payment Protector™ Insurance for Credit Cards are underwritten by The Canada Life Assurance Company. CIBC Travel Insurance plans are underwritten by Co-operators Life Insurance Company and The Sovereign General Insurance Company.

Submit a claim

If you have CIBC creditor insurance, you may be eligible to submit a job loss, disability, critical illness or life insurance claim.

To submit a claim for creditor Insurance for CIBC Mortgages, CIBC Personal Lines of Credit, CIBC Personal Loans, and CIBC Credit cards:

  Tip: Download the form by right-clicking the file and selecting “Save link as.” You can then open it using Adobe Acrobat Reader.

Additionally, for CIBC Payment Protector Insurance for Credit Cards, you can also submit your claim online at Canada Life Creditor Insurance Claims Portal Opens a new window.



1 Job loss insurance coverage isn’t available on CIBC Personal Lines of Credit. Job loss insurance for Personal Loans pays a benefit equal to the interest payable on your insured loan, up to a maximum of 6 months per incidence of job loss.

2 Critical Illness insurance coverage isn’t available for CIBC Personal Lines of Credit or CIBC Personal Loans.

Creditor Insurance for CIBC Mortgages, CIBC Personal Lines of Credit, CIBC Personal Loans and CIBC Payment Protector™ Insurance for Credit Cards are optional creditor’s group insurance underwritten by The Canada Life Assurance Company (Canada Life).

CIBC Travel Insurance plans are underwritten by Co-operators Life Insurance Company (accident and sickness benefits) and The Sovereign General Insurance Company (property and casualty benefits). CIBC Travel Insurance is administered by Allianz Global Assistance, which is a registered business name of AZGA Service Canada Inc. Allianz Global Assistance provides the CIBC travel assistance and claims services in respect of all insurance coverage under CIBC Travel Insurance plans. CIBC earns compensation from the insurer for the promotion of CIBC Travel Insurance plans.
