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What is a mutual fund?
A mutual fund is money pooled from investors and managed by experts who invest it in a variety of securities, including stocks, bonds and short-term money market instruments, or a combination of these.

CIBC mutual funds — key benefits
- Professional portfolio management
- Diversification to manage risk
- Potential for long-term growth
- Available for a full range of account types: RRSP, RRIF, RESP and non-registered
- Low minimum investment of only $500
- Start a regular investment plan for as little as $25 a month
Savings funds
- Low risk
- Steady level of income with a focus on preserving capital
- Accessible any time
Income funds
- Low to medium risk
- Potential to generate higher income than savings funds
- Some capital growth over the long term
Growth funds
- Higher risk
- Objective of generating capital growth
- History of better performance than other asset classes, over the long term
As the investment landscape grows with new opportunities, investors are increasingly looking to invest in companies that thoughtfully deliver sustainable growth and espouse values that align with their personal beliefs. CIBC Sustainable Investment Strategies utilize CIBC Asset Management’s proprietary ESG framework and fundamental analysis to evaluate investment opportunities and manage risk. These solutions invest in companies that are ESG leaders and reflect responsible investment principles that are important to investors.
One of the keys to successful investing is ensuring that a portfolio is well diversified and then monitored and rebalanced on a regular basis. You can save yourself the time and effort spent on building and monitoring your own portfolio by choosing one of our professionally managed portfolio solutions. A CIBC advisor will work with you to understand your needs and help you select the best solution.
Tools and resources
How compounding grows your wealth
When you start saving early and regularly, compounding can make your retirement savings grow.
Keep good records
Not sure how you will receive statements and tax slips related to your mutual fund account? Visit the Find my Documents page.
A primer to market downturns
Learn about the different types of market downturns, and how to weather a fluctuating stock market.
Reporting and governance about mutual funds reporting and governance.
Access the latest regulatory documents such as Fund Facts, prospectuses, annual information forms, financial statements, management reports of fund performance and more.
Investment growth calculator
Get started
Important information about CIBC Securities Inc. and mutual funds
CIBC Securities Inc. is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce (CIBC) and is the principal distributor of the CIBC Mutual Funds, CIBC Smart Investment Solutions and the CIBC Family of Portfolios. The CIBC Family of Portfolios consists of CIBC Managed Portfolios and CIBC U.S. Dollar Managed Portfolios, which are mutual funds that invest primarily in CIBC Mutual Funds, and CIBC ETF Portfolios, which are mutual funds that invest primarily in CIBC Index Mutual Funds. CIBC Managed Portfolio Services is a service that helps you select an appropriate, professionally built CIBC Managed Portfolio or CIBC U.S. Dollar Managed Portfolio.
This information is provided for informational purposes only and is not intended to provide specific financial, investment, tax, legal or accounting advice for you, and should not be relied upon in that regard or be considered predictive of any future market performance. Any information or discussion about the current characteristics of this fund or how the portfolio manager is managing the fund that is supplementary to information in the prospectus is not a discussion about material investment objectives or strategies, but solely a discussion of the current characteristics or manner of fulfilling the investment objectives and strategies, and is subject to change without notice. You should not act or rely on the information without seeking the advice of a professional. The information contained in this document has been obtained from sources believed to be reliable and is believed to be accurate at the time of publishing, but we do not represent that it is accurate or complete and it should not be relied upon as such. All opinions and estimates expressed in this document are as of the date of publication unless otherwise indicated, and are subject to change.
Commissions, trailing commissions, management fees and expenses all may be associated with mutual fund investments. Please read the CIBC Mutual Funds and CIBC Family of Portfolios simplified prospectuses before investing. To obtain a copy, call CIBC Securities Inc. at Opens your phone app1-800-465-3863 Opens your phone app.. You can also ask your mutual fund representative. The indicated rates of return are the historical annual compounded total returns including changes in unit value and reinvestment of all distributions and do not take into account sales, redemption, distribution or optional charges or income taxes payable by any unitholder that would have reduced returns. For money market funds, the performance data provided assumes reinvestment of distributions only and does not take into account sales, redemption, distribution or optional charges or income taxes payable by any unitholder that would have reduced returns. Mutual Fund securities are not covered by the Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation or by any other government deposit insurer. There can be no assurances that the funds will be able to maintain their net asset value per unit at a constant amount or that the full amount of your investment in a fund will be returned to you. Mutual funds are not guaranteed, their values change frequently and past performance may not be repeated.
You can hold units of any fund or portfolio available for purchase in U.S. dollars in non-registered accounts with CIBC Securities Inc. Certain funds and portfolios available for purchase in U.S. dollars can be held in some registered plans offered by CIBC Securities Inc. You can hold units of CIBC U.S. Dollar Money Market Fund in an RRSP or a TFSA with CIBC Securities Inc. You can hold units of the U.S. Dollar Managed Portfolios and other funds available for purchase in U.S. dollars in a TFSA with CIBC Securities Inc. You cannot hold units of any other funds available for purchase in U.S. dollars in other registered plans with CIBC Securities Inc. Other dealers may allow you to hold units of these funds in their registered accounts.
CIBC Mutual Funds, CIBC Smart Investment Solutions and CIBC Family of Portfolios are available across Canada. The information contained on this site does not constitute an offer or solicitation to buy or sell any investment fund, security or other product, service or information to any resident of the U.S. or the U.K. or to anyone in any jurisdiction in which an offer or solicitation is not authorized or cannot legally be made or to any person to whom it is unlawful to make an offer or solicitation.
CIBC representatives offering mutual funds in Quebec are "Mutual Fund Representatives" of CIBC Securities Inc.
® CIBC Managed Portfolio Services is a registered trademark of CIBC, used under license. CIBC Cube Design & “Banking that fits your life.” are trademarks of CIBC.
™ “CIBC Smart” is a trademark of CIBC, used under license.