Smart Advice Growing Wealth

As you prepare to file your taxes, take note of recent changes that could affect your return.
Feb. 22, 2023 3-minute read

Your basic personal amount is higher than last year

Your tax bracket may have changed 


Income Tax bracket
$0 to $50,197 15%
$50,197 to $100,392 20.5%
$100,392 to $155,625 26%
$155,625 to $221,708 29%
More than $221,708 33%

Contribution limit increases

The annual maximum TFSA contribution has increased

Canada Pension Plan maximum contribution has increased

The annual contribution limit for RRSPs has increased

Your OAS pension monthly payment may change

Check your federal tax credits

Simplified work-from-home tax credit

Labour Mobility Deduction (LMD)

Eligible educator school supply tax credit

Check your provincial tax credits

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