CIBC Dealer Access System
The CIBC Dealer Access System (DAS) is a web-based platform that allows you to submit floor plan loan requests, post equity account deposits, withdrawals and transfers, and remit payments.
CIBC Dealer Access System Login
The following documents will provide you with the information and support you require to use the system.
DAS Quick Start Guide (User Manual) (PDF, 100 KB)
DAS Quick Reference Sheet (PDF, 455 KB)
DAS User Setup Worksheet (PDF, 430 KB)
FAQ – Dealer Access System (PDF, 480 KB)
In addition to the above material, you can access a detailed user manual for the CIBC Dealer Access System by selecting Help on the Main tab of the system toolbar.
If you have any questions or need additional support for the application, please contact your Relationship Manager or Wholesale Automotive Lending Operations at 1-800-882-8976.