The next time you feel your home is too drafty, consider this: that breeze you feel isn’t just costing you money, it’s also hurting the environment.
Canada’s private homes and buildings account for some 18% of Canada’s greenhouse gas emissions (GHG). That might not seem like a lot, until you consider that our oil and gas extraction industry has a 20%+ emissions rate.¹
Think of all the items in your home that use energy: light bulbs, appliances, air conditioning, water heaters, electronics, and more.
Enter net zero homes, which are up to 80% more efficient than conventional homes.² Because these homes are exceptionally well insulated, they prevent drafts and reduce dust and allergens, cutting utility bills and helping to create a cleaner environment in the process.
Building a sustainable home or retrofitting an existing one certainly sounds ambitious and costly, but the Canada Greener Homes Initiative can help turn your dream home into a reality. So far, more than 10,000 Canadian homeowners have cashed in on $38 million in grants to make their living spaces more energy efficient.