Smart Advice Borrowing and Credit

Ever wondered what exactly goes into your credit score? Learn the key factors that go into building a good credit score and what you can do to improve it.
Sep. 29, 2022 4-minute read

What’s considered a good credit score in Canada?

Poor credit is in the 300 to 659 range.
Fair credit is in the 660 to 712 range.
Good credit is in the 713 to 740 range.
Excellent credit is in the 741 to 900 range.

Let’s get a bird’s eye view on your credit 

1. Payment history


2. The length of your credit history

3. Your credit mix


4. Applying for new credit 

Give that number a boost 

Pay your bills on time

Accept an offer to raise your credit limit

Keep your oldest credit card

Diversify your credit mix

Review your credit report for any errors

A step in the right direction


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