2. Pay off your high-interest and non-deductible debt first
Paying off debt is at the top of many people’s lists — but if you have several loans, you may be wondering which ones to pay off first.
“Focus on paying down your highest interest-rate, non-tax-deductible debt first,” says Jamie Golombek, Managing Director, Tax and Estate Planning for CIBC.
Paying off your highest-interest debt first, like personal credit cards, is the best way to lower your monthly interest payments. This can free up more of your money to pay down the principal amount faster.
Now let’s look at the difference between tax-deductible and non-tax-deductible debt. If you’re using the debt to generate income, like a loan for your business, you might be able to claim the interest you pay on that loan as a tax deduction. In other words, the interest amount can be deducted from your overall income to reduce how much tax you have to pay. On the flip side, if you borrow money for a personal expense, like a family vacation, the interest you pay can’t be claimed as a tax deduction. So, it may be better to pay off these non-tax-deductible debts first since they don’t have the same tax effect.