Smart Advice Planning an Estate

By initiating a conversation about your estate plan, you give all parties an opportunity to get on the same page about what decisions were made and why.
Carissa Lucreziano Jun. 21, 2021 4-minute read

Parents — have the conversation with your children

Children — have the conversation with your parents

6 estate-planning conversation topics

1. Making an estate plan and keeping it updated

2. Deciding on advanced care and medical plans

3. Planning for the management of financial obligations

4. Knowing the location of important documents and files

5. Envisioning your celebration of life

6. Painting a picture of your legacy

The key to successful estate planning

1In Quebec, a power of attorney is also called a mandate and the attorney is called the mandatary.

2In Quebec, a mandate of protection (in case of incapacity) becomes effective upon the occurrence of incapacity and homologation by the court.

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Written by

Carissa Lucreziano
Vice President, Financial and Investment Advice, CIBC Personal and Business Banking

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