Smart Advice Planning an Estate

Discussing your estate plan now may help your family develop a shared understanding of the future.
CIBC Oct. 04, 2021 5-minute read

5 critical topics in estate-planning discussions

1. These are my intentions for my estate and what's important to me:

2. Here are my advanced care and medical plans:

3. Here's how I'd like my financial responsibilities carried out:

4. This is how I envision my celebration of life

5. This is what you'll need

Starting the conversation

Sharing stories about friends and family

Talking about retirement life

Discussing a treasured family asset

Thinking about the future of family members

How to make the most of your estate-planning discussions

  • Communicate early. Don't wait until there's a crisis. Talk to your kids about your estate plan while you're still healthy, not when emotions and stress levels are high due to an unexpected event.
  • Stay organized. Keep notes from each conversation. To help make sure key items aren't missed, maintain an estate-planning checklist (PDF, 270 KB) Opens in a new window..
  • Practice often. Every attempt at the conversation is valuable. Consider writing a letter or practicing the conversation with a friend. Have a series of conversations over time to share more information or any updates.

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