1 Fees vary depending on style and quantity. In addition to transaction fee (if applicable).
2 Excludes stop payments on pre-authorized debits/recurring payments set up using CIBC Advantage Debit Card details. To stop payment on these, you need to contact the merchant/biller/payee directly to instruct them to discontinue applying charges to your account(s) through your CIBC Advantage Debit Card. If you are unsuccessful in resolving the issue, CIBC may be able to work with Visa to request a refund for you.
3 You should keep records of your TFSA transactions to ensure that you do not exceed your TFSA contribution room. Canada Revenue Agency will also keep track of your contribution room and determine the balance of available contribution room at a particular time for each eligible individual, based on information provided by CIBC. If the total of your TFSA contributions to all your TFSAs, regardless of financial institution, exceeds your contribution limit, you may face a penalty tax of 1% per month on the highest excess amount for each month that the excess remains in the account(s). Deliberate over-contributions may also be subject to increased penalty taxes. For more information on your TFSA contribution room or to request a TFSA Transaction Summary of your contribution and withdrawal details please contact Canada Revenue Agency.